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Rent-All: optimisation of logistics processes

The customer
Rent-All is a Dutch leading rental company of rigging, lighting, audio and video equipment. From their 5 establishments in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany, they deliver equipment to theatre and television studios, fairs and festivals across Europe.
The challenge
- Where are the items located?
- What state are they in?
- What is their turnaround time?
- How to accurately and efficiently register the incoming and outgoing movements?
Therefore, Rent-All was looking for an automatic detection system which informs them about the location of their articles, the state they are in and the turnaround time per rental item. Furthermore, the turnkey solution needed to guarantee an interaction with the software of their own ERP package.

The solution
After a successful proof of concept and pilot project, Aucxis was engaged to streamline the entire process of outgoing and returning rental materials.
Mobile RFID gates at the loading docks

During the loading and unloading of the orders, all rental materials – so both the goods for the customers as well as the materials shuttling between the establishments – pass first through an RFID gate.
The RFID gates with integrated readers and antennas register all passing tags and send the information to Rent-All’s ERP system via the Aucxis middleware HERTZ.
Aucxis also delivers the required WMS software which contains, among others, a validation of the materials upon delivery and return, digital support of the order pickers and a real-time link with the company’s existing ERP package.
The result
- Gain of time. Thanks to the automatic detection and control of the items during loading and unloading, a loading list is finished considerably faster;
- No more secondary deliveries at customers due to increased accuracy;
- A real-time overview of the lifespan of each article: number of movements, turnaround times, maintenance and failures.
Watch below the case video
An RFID system customised to your needs
Our modular approach allows to elaborate a solution for you which perfectly meets your needs. Nothing more, nothing less.