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Public transport
Public Transport

RFID in public transport: identification and real-time localisation of vehicles
Our solutions
Localisation of vehicles at the depot
Bus, train and tram companies are facing the challenge to quickly and accurately localise each vehicle at the depot. Practice has shown that often time is lost by technical employees who need to perform repairs because they do not exactly know where the vehicle to be repaired is located. And a vehicle at the depot cannot generate money… By using RFID technology, a clear and accurate overview of all vehicles located at a depot can be obtained. This is realised by detecting all incoming and outgoing vehicles by means of passive RFID technology or by localising them by means of active RFID technology.
Inspection of parts
For the technical inspection of vehicle parts, RFID tags can be used for an automatic identification of the vehicle, thanks to which the inspection can immediately be linked to the result, without manual intervention. Examples include measuring of the temperature, outline or wear of a boogie.
Aucxis provides RFID solutions for:
- Locating vehicles at the depot, in order of track, line and availability.
- Registering all incoming and outgoing movements of vehicles at a depot, by using internal detection points.
- Automatically registering and linking with various measuring instruments which control the boogies.
- Obtaining a real-time overview of vehicle parts (for example: pantograph, ventilation, air conditioning, converter… ).
- Registering and reporting measurements through integration to an asset management database.