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RFID in the fishing industry: total traceability of fish and sustainable box pool management
In 2008, the European Union regulation came into force that fishery products must be traceable and monitored throughout the chain. This within the framework of the Common Fisheries Policy, which must ensure the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks from a biological, economic and environmental point of view. In addition, in order to protect consumers, batches of fish must be traceable quickly when food safety issues are identified.
To this end, uniform identification and traceability of fish boxes and their contents is required during all phases of capture, sale and processing, down to the consumer’s plate.
The ability to trace fish boxes is also an essential link in limiting the loss of fish boxes at the fish auction. With an efficient box pool tracking system, every box can be traced and located.
Our solutions
With the electronic logbook E-Catch on board of the vessels, the KOSMOS digital sales platform in the cloud, the administrative package NEPTUNE, Aucxis products have supported the entire chain for some time.
Box management via RFID
Today all fish boxes and their contents can also be traced and efficiently managed by means of RFID technology:

RFID tags
Aucxis developed in its RFID lab a tag specifically designed for use on fish boxes, as well as the exact location of the tag on the boxes. This was done in close cooperation with several leading manufacturers of fish boxes in the sector.
Scanning equipment:
Aucxis delivers self-developed or standard RFID readers: RFID forklifts, RFID gates, industrial input terminals for box management and RFID handheld scanners. Control stations allow to validate the quality of barcode and RFID on the fish boxes.

The Aucxis HERTZ middleware package processes all data collected by the various data collectors for parent applications.

RFID software on which the track & trace data is managed. Here the location of all boxes and their contents can be consulted in real time through all steps in the chain (ship, auction, buyer, transporter, processor). An innovative stock and pool management system ensures that the loss of fish boxes is significantly reduced.
References agro & fishery