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Working together for succes
Our partners play an essential role in realising our solutions and delivering high-quality products and services to our customers. By working closely together, we share knowledge, expertise and resources to achieve innovative solutions and create a valuable impact.

Impinj is a leading provider of RAIN (RAdio frequency IdentificatioN) solutions. Their platform, which includes both hardware and software, uses RAIN RFID to wirelessly connect everyday items to the Internet.
Aucxis uses Impinj technology in its projects in the form of RFID readers, RFID antennas and RFID chips, for which the company has been the preferred supplier for more than 10 years.
Since 2020, Aucxis is an Impinj Gold Partner.

VistaLink specialises in automation and industrial image processing using vision technology. The company has specific experience in machine vision, and meets the requirements of regulated industries such as the automotive, pharmaceutical and distribution (pooling) industry.
The partnership with VistaLink allows Aucxis to add vision technology expertise to its automation projects.

VIL was appointed by the Flemish government as the single point of contact for the logistics sector. VIL represents more than 600 companies and works together with leading strategic partners and a network at home and abroad. Aucxis is a member of the VIL community and is keen to contribute to increasing efficiency and competitiveness in the logistics sector.

Fabriek Logistiek – an initiative of POM East Flanders – is the first test centre in Belgium where companies can test a range of logistics solutions from various technical partners. Aucxis puts its NOVA solution, an RFID gate, at the disposal of the participating companies enabling them to quickly and easily register, identify and make an inventory of their goods.
The practical test centre Fabriek Logistiek is located in Ghent/Zwijnaarde and brings together various logistics applications, hardware and expertise in two brand-new logistics halls. One hall focuses on e-commerce and one hall emphasises pallet handling.

Verhurend Nederland is the trade association for the Dutch rental market. They bring together rental companies, facilitate networking and provide them with knowledge for the rental sector.
Aucxis sees a lot of opportunities for the application of RFID in the rental sector and is happy, as a member, to contribute to the brainstorming on the logistics issues that rental companies face today.

GS1 (Global Standards One) is a leading global organisation dedicated to the design and implementation of global standards and solutions in the field of electronic business-to-business communication with the aim of improving the efficiency and visibility of supply and demand chains globally and across sectors. The GS1 system of standards is the most widely used supply chain standards system in the world.
GS1 standards create a common foundation for business by uniquely identifying, accurately capturing and automatically sharing vital information about products, locations, assets and more. Companies can also combine different GS1 standards to streamline business processes such as traceability.
As a GS1 member, Aucxis applies the GS1 standard in its projects.
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