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Rijkswaterstaat: registration system

For the Dutch organisation Rijkswaterstaat (part of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment) which, among other duties, is responsible for the maintenance of the national highways, Aucxis RFID Solutions and Microtron jointly developed an RFID registration system for the snowploughs which are brought into action when roads are getting blocked due to snowfall.
221 vehicles and 432 snowploughs were equipped with RFID tags by Microtron. Via RFID reading points at all national support units of Rijkswaterstaat, the incoming and outgoing vehicles and snowploughs are registered and their times recorded. This data is processed by Aucxis R-Connect middleware and transmitted via WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) to the registration software (passport) of Rijkswaterstaat.
With the support of RFID technology, Rijkswaterstaat is able to deliver accurate timesheets to justify the billing of the snowplough interventions.