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RFID monitors warehouse dispatch

The customer
For a customer in the pharmaceutical sector, Aucxis developed a system for the efficient and accurate control of the goods that leave the warehouses for facility management.
The challenge
The customer has two warehouses in which all materials for facility management are controlled. The first warehouse contains 90.000 items, while 30.000 items are stored in a recently-built warehouse.
Aucxis was engaged to elaborate a control system for all incoming and outgoing items of both warehouses, using RFID technology.
The main project challenges were the implementation of RFID technology in a complex technical environment – the new warehouse is constructed with metal walls – and the correct detection on a limited space, requiring very accurate RFID tuning.
The solution
- All items are equipped with a UHF RFID label.
- These RFID labels are attached to the items when they arrive at the warehouse; they contain both an RFID chip as well as a barcode, containing information such as item code and location. These labels are programmed and printed via an RFID printer automatically.
- Items that are taken out, have to be booked out and linked to the correct work order. This link is made automatically when the work order number is entered. At that moment, RFID scanners detect the concerned tags. Furthermore, the exit sliding door of the warehouse is equipped with RFID antennas as well. In case items come near the door which have not been booked out, the user will be informed through LED signalization.
- In order to take stock of the goods, Aucxis delivered its mobile Scan Buddy equipped with a scanning plate and a hand scanner, making manual counting redundant.
- Moreover, Aucxis developed the appropriate management software, which is responsible for the correct data exchange between the RFID database and the customer’s WMS.
The result
- All item movements in both warehouses are checked through 1 central system.
- Before leaving the warehouses, the outbooking of all items is checked automatically.
- Manual counting of the items is made redundant: much time is saved thanks to the automatic inventory.
- De Aucxis RFID module ondersteunt het WMS van de klant met een tijdbesparende en nauwgezette controle van alle uitgaande goederen.
- The Aucxis RFID module supports the customer’s WMS by a time-saving and accurate control of all outgoing goods.