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Brussels Airport: the bTag Experience

The customer
Brussels Airport is one of the most important airports in Europe. The figures speak for themselves: in 2019, 64 airlines brought 26,4 million passengers to one of the 207 destinations. Despite the many capacity expansions and infrastructural investments, Brussels Airport’s main goal is to be a human-scaled airport, always paying close attention to the needs of every passenger.
The challenge
One of the logistical tasks of Brussels Airport is the smooth handling of no less than 41.917 pieces of luggage per day. In order to improve the airport experience for its passengers, Brussels Airport was looking for a service that informs them about the status of their luggage. This knowledge should allow passengers to spend their time at the airport in a relaxing way after landing. For the realisation of this ‘bTag Experience’, Brussels Airport was keen to use the latest technologies, such as connectivity in the cloud, RFID luggage tags and advanced data analysis tools. By combining an RFID chip in the bTag label with a large number of sensors throughout the airport, every piece of luggage can be continuously located from landing to the luggage carousel.

save time and relieve him.
The solution
Brussels Airport decided to engage Impinj because of the elaborate technological capabilities of their RAIN (RAdio frequency IdentificatioN) RFID platform. Next, Impinj asked Aucxis to provide them with our ‘expertise in the solution’s fine design, its deployment and pilot execution’, which makes Aucxis a technical partner of Brussels Airport in the realisation of this project.
After making the necessary preparations in-house, a dedicated team of Aucxis project engineers went on site to test the technical feasibility of the desired RFID solution. This Proof of Concept took place in a controlled environment in which the practical solution was simulated on a small scale. After selecting the right tag type, we provided the required detection points at each luggage carousel. This way, we can detect the tag that belongs to a certain bag, and send these data to the bTag app.
Thanks to the preparatory work, the final installation and fine-tuning of the hardware and middleware at Brussels Airport went quite straightforward.
The result
- Thanks to the bTag Experience, Brussels Airport succeeds in its aim of saving passengers time and relieving them of their worries. The passenger can take his time after arrival and does not have to wait at the luggage carousel. Moreover, he can make more efficient arrangements with the person who comes to pick him up.
- Furthermore, Brussels Airport may use the captured data for analysis purposes in the future, in order to further optimise their processes to the benefit of its customers.